EENG 348/CPSC 338: Digital Systems
Yale University



This is replicated from the syllabus, posted from Canvas.

Deadlines and late work: All deadlines are posted online. Labs are due at 11:59pm. Each group is allocated three extension credits. Each extension credit is worth a 24 hour extension, no questions asked. These credits may be applied to any of the first four labs, and can be allocated as you see fit. For example, you could decide to use none of them, or use all of them for a particular lab, or distribute them in some other fashion. However, they have to be used in integer units (for example, you can’t apply 0.5 credits for a 12 hour extension). Other than medical reasons or a Dean’s excuse, late work will receive no credit. Use your extension credits wisely. If you have some unexpected circumstances that require additional time, please contact the instructor before the due date.

Collaboration policy: Discussing problems, assignments, and course material with others in the class can be very helpful in learning the material. You can study together and discuss information covered in class with other students in the class. Information about computer systems/tools/scripting/etc. that is not course-specific can also be freely discussed. However, all work that is handed in must be completed by lab group members only. Copying electronic files or even parts of files from others is not acceptable. Collaboration cannot involve a lab group having a copy of and/or observing in detail even part of the work completed by someone else. Students are encouraged to seek help from the instructor, course staff, or peers via the online discussion forums. Any help received on any lab must be acknowledged in the submitted assignment.

Quizzes and exams. Collaboration is not permitted during quizzes or exams, but students will be permitted to consult their own notes and any course handouts.

Attendance: You are responsible for all the material covered in class. While reference materials are provided and there will be some electronic handouts, those are not a substitute for attendance. In-class quizzes and exams cannot be made-up without a Dean’s excuse.

Academic integrity: You should be familiar with Yale College’s academic integrity policy. A quick summary is: do not copy someone else’s work, and make sure to cite any sources even if you paraphrase them. For electronic files used for lab work, do not share your files or show your files to classmates beyond your lab group (see collaboration policy).

Re-grading policy: If there has been some error in grading, please submit a re-grade request within a week of receiving the graded work. Regrade requests must be submitted in writing, providing a brief (2-3 lines or less) explanation as to the grading error. Note that the course staff may regrade the entire assignment, in case they find other errors made during grading.

Electronic etiquette: The use of electronic devices for non-academic purposes during class time is distracting to your peers and the instructor. Please silence such devices. Laptop use is not permitted. Tablets may be used exclusively for note-taking if they are kept flat so as to not be distracting to others. Students will need to sketch circuit diagrams, annotate handouts, etc. for note-taking and a laptop is not well-suited for this purpose. If you feel that you need to use a laptop, then please speak to the instructor.

Special accommodations: If you require any special accommodations, please let the instructor know as soon as possible.

The classroom is an environment where everyone should be free to express their viewpoints. Every voice in the classroom is important, and it brings with it a wealth of experiences. Please treat each other with respect at all times. In the context of embedded systems, understanding the interaction of electronics with the physical world is critically important. Therefore, considering a range of viewpoints is particularly valuable in the process of designing embedded systems.
