There are a rich set of advanced courses offered in the area of computer systems. A sampling of current offerings includes:
- CPSC 421/521: Compilers and Interpreters
- CPSC 422/522: Operating System Design and Implementation
- CPSC 423/523: Principles of Operating Systems
- CPSC 424/524: Parallel Programming Techniques
- EENG 425/ENAS 875: Introduction to VLSI System Design
- EENG 426/CPSC 448/ENAS 876: Silicon Compilation
- CPSC 425/525: Cloud Networking and Computing
- CPSC 426/526: Building Distributed Systems
- EENG 426/CPSC 448/ENAS 876: Silicon Compilation
- EENG 428/ENAS 968: Cloud FPGA
- CPSC 433/533: Computer Networks
- CPSC 434/534: Topics in Networked Systems
- CPSC 436/536: The Hardware/Software Interface
- CPSC 437/537: Introduction to Databases
- EENG 439/ENAS 940: Neural Networks and Learning Systems
- EENG 449/CPSC 549/ENAS 907: Computer Architecture & Artificial Intelligence
- EENG 451/ENAS 951/CPSC 456/556: Wireless Communications
- EENG 467/ENAS 967: Computer Organization and Architecture
- CPSC 622: Advanced Operating Systems
- CPSC 625: Advanced Distributed Systems
- CPSC 634: Building an Internet Router
- CPSC 637: Big Data Systems