

Abhishek Bhattacharjee
architecture, operating systems, and compilers

Tara Boroushaki
sensing and mobile technologies

Yongshan Ding
quantum computing, architecture, and algorithms

Richard Lethin
high-performance computing architectures, algorithms, and compilers

Jay Lim
Program Synthesis and Program Verification

Anurag Khandelwal
distributed systems and networking

Rajit Manohar
asynchronous VLSI, formal methods, neuroscience & computing

Priyadarshini Panda
neural networks – algorithm and system design

Ruzica Piskac
program verification and software synthesis

Zhong Shao
programing languages and certified software

Robert Soulé
networking, distributed
systems, and databases

Avi Silberschatz
Concurrency control, main-memory database systems, persistent-memory database systems

Linghao Song
accelerator architecture, FPGAs, ML hardware

Y. Richard Yang
computer networking and networked systems

Fan Zhang
security & privacy, applied cryptography, blockchains, trusted hardware

Lin Zhong
computer and wireless systems