
Research projects in the computer systems lab span a wide range of areas, including

Asynchronous VLSI and Architecture:  the theory, automation, design and implementation of asynchronous (clockless/self-timed) circuits, architectures, and systems. Driving applications include ultra low power embedded systems, FPGAs,  neuromorphic systems, and  computer architecture.

Computer Architecture and Security: improving computer security through design of new computer hardware features to meet today’s emerging security threats, including design of secure hardware-software architectures for servers and mobile devices, virtualization and cloud security, as well as novel security attacks and defenses.

FLINT: Certified Systems Software: practical programming infrastructure for constructing large-scale certified systems software by combining recent new advances in programming languages, formal semantics, certified operating systems, program verification, proof assistants and automation, language-based security, and certifying compilers.

Intelligent Computing Lab: algorithm-hardware co-design for energy-efficient and robust computing platforms for deep learning, neuromorphic computing (spiking neural networks) and related applications.

ROSE: Rigorous Software Engineering: programming languages, software verification, automated reasoning, and code synthesis.

Yale Systems Architecture Group: computer architectures, operating systems, and compilers for next-generation systems that process large amounts of data, like data centers, and more exotic ones, like brain-machine interfaces.

Some of the researchers working in computer networking are also part of a broader University-wide initiative known as the Yale Institute for Network Science that includes researchers from areas such as sociology, economics, political science, biology, physics, medicine, public health, and management in addition to computer science and electrical engineering.